Thursday was Ashley's birthday....the day that 12 years ago her angels were watching over her. The day that 12 years ago - she became OUR angel. We knew when her life was sustained that day that God had a special plan for her life; and watching her life unfold has been everything but boring to say the least.
The coolest thing about Ashley is that she is not afraid to be who she is - to express herself the way SHE wants to; and to let the Lord go with her. I believe Ashley is going to be a God-fearing women. But for now - I am enjoying the few days I have left that she is still a girl. A beautiful, compassionate, smart, crazy, respectable girl.
Enjoy the pics of Ashley on her birthday sporting her fave look and hanging out with her friend Sydney. You'll also notice her playing with something - that's a ZEN. It's OK - I had to Google it too! You'll find the pics at the bottom of this page.